Sawanohana Chokarakuchi Junmai Ginjo Sasara

In stock - 4 items available
SKU: 81036
Regular price $77.00 SGD

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Light body, but super dry Junmai Ginjo sake (SMV+12) with restrained aromas and mouthfeel umami. Great crisp finish.

Type / Grade Sake | Junmai Ginjo
Country Japan
Region / Prefecture Nagano
Rice Variety Hitogokochi
Yeast Variety Ogawa Yeast + M310
Polishing Rate 60%
SMV (+12)
Acidity 1.4
Alcohol % 16.00%
Size 720ml

About Sawanohana

Sawa no Hana, the brand name is from beautiful iris which bloom around riverside in Saku city. They focus on their local sake rice variety, Miyamanishiki and Hitogokochi. They use less aroma yeasts to enhance the rice characters and flavours.